Dear Students and Parents,
As many of you already know, this year we have made the transition to a new world organization.
We are now part of World Kyokushin Budokai and we will represent Canada, Ontario Branch and we are excited to start the year with positive attitude.
We are happy to inform you that all previous fees will stay the same (testing fees and yearly organization fees).
We are in the process to print new karate passports (Budo Pass) and we should have them ready shortly.
We are also working on a new and improved grading syllabus and videos on our website that we will be posted in the near future.
The annual WKB Canada membership is $20 (same as before in the IFK) for all students 10 Kyu (red belt) and above and it needs to be submitted until January 31st. Payment can be made in cash at the dojo or e-transfer to contactkicks@yahoo.com
This money is intended to be used for our annual affiliation as a dojo and affiliated country to the WKB, to promote our organization through promotional and marketing materials and help to organize future events in Ontario.
All members of Contact Kicks Dojo and WKB Canada must submit this fee in order to be accepted to participate in training sessions, seminars, and recognized testing sessions.
If you have any questions, please address them to Shihan Steve or myself, Senpai Mici.
Thank you for your continued support,
Senpai Mici.
WKB - Canada