CKMA Vaughan Dojo Shines at the 2024 British Open and IFK World Kata Championships

As many of you already know, Senpai Dany Krief and Senpai Roxy Trifan from CKMA Vaughan Dojo competed at the 2024 British Open - Cup of Europe and the IFK World Kata Championships in Crawley, UK, on October 4-5.
Competitors from all over the world participated in these prestigious events, demonstrating a high level of skill. Senpai Dany secured an impressive 1st place following two challenging fights in the Men's Veterans Division, while Senpai Roxy achieved 12th place globally in a fiercely competitive category.
Their commitment reflects how competition can bring out the best in individuals, pushing them to strive for improvement. Both Senpais dedicated months to training for this event, understanding that true readiness is the result of years of disciplined practice.
We take immense pride in their accomplishments and in the representation of CKMA at this elite level.
Although Senpai Mici and I were unable to attend, we are thankful to Senpai Oleg from Geminos Dojo for stepping in on our behalf. Thank you, Senpai Oleg, for your invaluable support!
We are extremely proud of our team and their remarkable achievements!